Attorney Carola Sieling and attorney Anne-Kathrin Titze are the ombudspersons of the company KERN – DEUDIAM Diamond Tools and Machinery GmbH for compliance matters. The ombudspersons are independent, external points of contact for employees and third parties to report crimes and legal violations. They also serve as an internal reporting office under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

Attorney Carola Sieling and attorney Anne-Kathrin Titze are professionally obligated to confidentiality and will investigate reports without disclosing the names of the individuals, if requested. Information will only be disclosed to KERN – DEUDIAM Diamond Tools and Machinery GmbH after consultation and in agreement with the reporting individual. The goal is to assist the company in investigating compliance violations and reports under the Whistleblower Protection Act, without the reporting individual fearing any disadvantages.




Attorney Carola Sieling and Attorney Anne-Kathrin Titze Sieling

Klingenderstraße 5

DE-33100 Paderborn

Phone: +49 5251 1428742 Fax: +49 5251 1428744

mail: ombudsperson.kern-deudiam@kanzlei-sieling.de